[Ur] CMS like features ? unsafe XML - encodings?

Adam Chlipala adamc at impredicative.com
Wed Dec 15 09:35:32 EST 2010

Marc Weber wrote:
> Many web applications are using kind of
>    xml += "<div>#{xml_content_from_db}</div>";
> which of course is unsafe. Which is the urweb way?
> Is there a blessXml function ?

Every XML type is represented with strings at the C level, so you can 
use the FFI to circumvent the type system in any way you like.  
Naturally, I'm not too eager to call that "the Ur/Web way." ;)

More interesting is some HTML parsing code which I just added to the 
Meta library (that I announced yesterday).  This will let you convert 
arbitrary strings into verified HTML, and the library is implemented 
entirely within Ur.  See the [Html] module and the "testHtml" test.

> Which is the urweb way storing xml in a database and including it into a
> page?

If you only write into the database from the same Ur/Web application (or 
exercise care in writing externally, so that you observe the Ur/Web 
types), then simple code like this gets the job done.

table xmly : {Enced : serialized xbody}

fun main' () =
     dml (INSERT INTO xmly (Enced) VALUES ({[serialize <xml><b>Whoa!</b> 
     x <- oneRowE1 (SELECT (xmly.Enced)
                    FROM xmly);
     return <xml><body>{deserialize x}</body></xml>

fun main () = return <xml><body><form><submit 

> If we are at it: Does it make sense to encode the encoding of a string
> somehow?

Maybe so, but I'm woefully underinformed about encodings.  The last time 
I looked into this, I think my conclusion was that sticking with UTF-8 
could please everybody reasonably well.

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