[Ur] Supporting 'style' attribute securely

Adam Chlipala adamc at impredicative.com
Sun Apr 15 13:40:52 EDT 2012

Marc Weber wrote:
> So what are people looking for?
> For a CSS parser built into the urweb compiler which recognizes valid
> links and checks them against a valid list of links which may be used
> for CSS ? Then injection attacks would be impossible because
> putting arbitrary CSS code from a database into style attributes would
> be rejected because it can't be parsed at runtime?

URL's are an abstract datatype in Ur/Web, with a clearly defined policy 
for which URL's are allowed.  I don't want to allow style code to 
include URL's that the policy rejects.

The canonical example to avoid is "javascript:" URL's, which clearly 
allow code injection, though I don't know to what extent browsers will 
actually run JavaScript code introduced through CSS.  My concerns are 
primarily about code injection, not "information leakage."

> Oh last but not least: URLs in stiles (with hex something decoding) is
> used to speed up loading of pages as well because no additional small
> icons have to be fetched adding yet another round trip..

Then those URL's should be whitelisted in a .urp file.

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