[Ur] callbacks from C FFI (again)

Sergey Mironov grrwlf at gmail.com
Mon Dec 30 04:49:23 EST 2013

> By "a bit too idealistic," do you mean that, at the moment, you don't have
> in mind an application where one-second latency poses a practical problem?
> I imagine it would also be easy to add support for periodic tasks with
> subsecond periods.
> For your downloader example, I don't see why a 1-second period (or N
> milliseconds period, which would be easy to add) wouldn't be just fine, if
> downloads take long enough to be worth spawning background jobs.
> Sounds like a basically reasonable idea, though I'm skeptical that it calls
> for changes to the base Ur/Web distribution.
> I probably should have been clearer about this before: I don't expect
> periodic tasks to work at all in CGI applications.  In fact, I'll go and
> make it a compile-time error now!  I also don't expect anyone to use CGI for
> anything serious, period.
> Does the picture get much simpler if you rule out CGI?  Does that remove
> some arguments for modifying Ur/Web itself?

By calling my arguments idealistic I mean that I agree that 1 second
delay is not a practical problem for my downloader example, but I
believe that there may be tasks with more strict requirements. So I'm
against making periodic polling an 'official guideline' of handling
callbacks. Also, there is other reason: using tasks, we may extract a
callback url from some ffi-specific queue, but currently urweb doesn't
provide a method to 'call' it safely (I assume, [redidrect] doesn't
work in tasks). That is why I think this way still requires some
non-trivial server-side modifications..

And here comes your point about CGI. It really does make the picture
simpler. I think the callback handler from my patch may be moved to
the FFI code now.   Almost all functions being used  - uw_reset,
uw_begin, uw_commit, uw_rollback, uw_set_deadline all live in urweb.h
and AFAIK are 'public'. So FFI side would require only one function
from request.c:   uw_request_new_context .  Currently, we should
provide it with the the id, the uw_application and loggers, that is
why it is hardly possible to make it public. So I suggest writing a
new method for cloning existing context. It's signature may be

uw_context* uw_clone(uw_context* ctx);

the rules may be following: uw_clone takes existing context and
creates a new one, with the refererence to same application and
loggers, and with it's own database connection and with no transaction
running (so it is safe to call uw_begin\uw_commit on it). Actually,
there should also be a way to obtain the uniq id, but it is not hard
as well.

This single method looks generic enough and should solve the problem
(however, I have some thought about proper termintation of threads,
but they are not that important for now). What do you think about
allowing FFI libs to create new contexts this way?


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