[Ur] Poor inference of monads over "non-canonical" types

Patrick Hurst phurst at mit.edu
Sat Feb 22 00:12:16 EST 2014

Your code is equivalent to this in Haskell:

    type Pair a = (a, a)

    instance Monad Pair where
        return = undefined
        (>>=) = undefined

which is illegal. The Haskell way to do it would be:

    data Pair' a = MkPair (a, a)

    instance Monad Pair' where
        return = undefined
        (>>=) = undefined

The difference is that [(2, 3) :: Pair Int] is valid, but [(2, 3) ::
Pair' Int] isn't; you need to apply [MkPair :: (a, a) -> Pair' a] to get
[MkPair (2, 3) :: Pair' Int].

The Ur/Web equivalent of this would be

    datatype pair a = Pair of a * a
    val pairMonad : monad pair = mkMonad {
      Return = fn [t ::: Type] (a : t) => Pair (a, a),
      Bind = fn [t1 ::: Type] [t2 ::: Type] ((Pair (a, a')) : pair t1) (b : t1 -> pair t2) => b a

    val fail : pair int =
         return 4

which does work.

Evan Danaher <ur at edanaher.net> writes:

> I'm writing a simple parser, and decided to try my hand at a
> Parsec-like monadic combinator approach.  Unfortunately, it seems that
> monad inference is fairly weak; consider the following:
>   con pair t = t * t
>   val pairMonad : monad pair = mkMonad {
>     Return = fn [t ::: Type] (a : t) => (a, a),
>     Bind = fn [t1 ::: Type] [t2 ::: Type] ((a, a') : pair t1) (b : t1 -> pair t2) => b a
>   }
>   val fail : pair int =
>     return 4
> (Yes, that's not actually a monad, but the types work.)  This fails to compile:
>   Expression:  return [<UNIF:U338::Type -> Type>] [int] _ 4
>     Have con:  <UNIF:U338::Type -> Type> int
>     Need con:  int * int
>   Incompatible constructors
>   Have:  <UNIF:U338::Type -> Type> int
>   Need:  int * int
> It looks like the compiler is simplifying (pair int) to (int * int), then
> failing to unify it with the (M t) pattern to pull out the monad.  Sure enough:
>   val fail : pair int =
>     @return pairMonad 4
> works just fine, since pairMonad provides the monad, and then unifying (t * t)
> with (int * int) doesn't cause any trouble.
> I can see why this could be tricky, and in general possibly ambiguous.  (E.g.,
> if there's a second monad (con withInt t = t * int), int * int could be either
> of them.)  However, I'd expect it to be reasonable to take the given type (pair
> int) and use that one.  (How does Haskell handle this?)
> Moreover, this (AFAICT) completely breaks the syntactic sugar for monads; I'd
> like to be able to write something like
>   command <- Parse.word;
>   args <- Parse.arguments;
>   return {Command=command, Args=args}
> but the suger doesn't seem to provide any way to annotate the monad, rendering
> it uncompilable.
> Hopefully the problem is clear; am I missing an obvious solution?  I can't find
> anything in the bug tracker about this; I can't imagine I'm the first to run
> into it.
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