[Ur] An initial wild guess attempting to wrap a Bootstrap DatePicker for Ur/Web

Stefan Scott Alexander stefanscottalexx at gmail.com
Sun Aug 2 00:06:48 EDT 2015

I'm trying to wrap this Bootstrap DatePicker library:


I'm modeling my JavaScript FFI code on the only somewhat-similar example
I've been able to find - Logitext:


Of course my initial wild guess doesn't compile.

The compiler is currently giving errors about the id of the <div> which
encloses the input field:

In the example using this bootstrap datepicker library here...


..the <input> tag is inside a <div>:

   <div id="sandbox-container">

The bootstrap datepicker library example uses the id of that div in a
JavaScript call:

  $('#sandbox-container input').datepicker({

(For better readability, I have changed the id "sandbox-container" to
"DateDiv" in my Ur/Web code.)

I've tried various syntaxes for this <div> in Ur/Web, eg:

  <div id="DateDiv">


but the compiler gives errors complaining about this id in this tag.

This datepicker library uses an id tag in the <div> enclosing the <input>
tag. Is there a way to set an id tag for a <div> in Ur/Web?

There is a github repo with my code here:


The error message from the compiler is in Issue 1 of this repo:


Thanks if anyone can give any pointers on this!

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