[Ur] When testing the new wrapper for the Pikaday datepicker, adding another <textbox> makes the tag <body onload={...}> stop working

Stefan Scott Alexander stefanscottalexx at gmail.com
Mon Aug 10 01:40:38 EDT 2015

Further testing shows that whenever there is some text to the left of the
Date field (ie, the "desired" layout), the datepicker does *not* appear.

(0) This is the original, *desired* layout, but it does *not* work
correctly - ie, the datepicker does *not* appear:

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      Date: <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

(1) The following 7 variations do *not* have the desired layout (eg, the
"Date: " label is either missing or it is followed by a line break), but
they *do* work correctly - ie, at least the datepicker *does* appear:

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      Date: <br/>
      <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <p><textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/></p>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <div>Name: </div><textbox{#NameField}/><br/>
      <div>Date: </div><textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <span>Name:</span> <textbox{#NameField}/><br/>
      <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

(2) The following 5 layouts are all desired (ie, they have a "Date: " text
to the left of the Date field, on the same line), but they do *not* work
correctly - ie, the datepicker does *not* appear:

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      Date: <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      <label for={date_nid}>Date: </label> <textbox{#DateField}
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <p>Name: <textbox{#NameField}/></p>
      <p>Date: <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/></p>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <span>Name: </span><textbox{#NameField}/><br/>
      <span>Date: </span><textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      <span>Name:</span> <textbox{#NameField}/><br/>
      <span>Date:</span> <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>


Is there any way to get the datepicker to appear on the *desired* layout?
(shown again below)

  <body onload={PikadayControl.init date_nid}>
      Name: <textbox{#NameField} /><br/>
      Date: <textbox{#DateField} id={date_nid}/><br/>
      <submit action={add_thing} value="Add !"/>

Thanks for any help!

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