[Ur] Fatal initialization error: Table 'uw_board_post' does not exist.

Julian Squires julian at cipht.net
Sat May 16 08:45:49 EDT 2015

Hi Stefan,

On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 2:48 AM, Stefan Scott Alexander
<stefanscottalexx at gmail.com> wrote:
> I think some changes were made to the Ur/Web compiler recently, to handle
> certain issues regarding camelcase versus lowercase using MySQL on Windows
> or Linux.
> I am wondering if those changes may have inadvertently impacted Postgres on
> Linux as well?

This looks like a configuration issue to me.  I don't think it is a
case sensitivity issue.  (I have many tables which are lowercase on
the db side, but camelcase in Ur/Web's output.)

I am using urweb from the hg tip without any problems with postgres
9.4 under Debian.

Just to confirm, I built crud1 with the following steps:

urweb/demo % urweb crud1
urweb/demo % sudo -u postgres -- createdb -O julian test
urweb/demo % psql -f crud1.sql test
urweb/demo % ./crud1.exe

Perhaps you could try

% URWEB_PQ_CON="dbname=test user=admin" ./crud1.exe

Hope this helps,

Julian Squires

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