[Ur] Fatal initialization error: Table 'uw_chatroom_room_subscriber' does not exist.

Sean Chalmers sclhiannan at gmail.com
Sun May 17 01:08:42 EDT 2015

Hi Scott,

Good to hear everything is up and running!

I suppose I could turn the paper into a more focused tutorial, given that
the paper might be a bit heavy going for some. Although there is a lot of
really interesting and important info in the paper so it's hard to know,
off-hand, how that would go.

As for adding the update/delete functionality, I don't think that would fit
so well into a chatroom/logging style example. Given that chatrooms are
fundamentally "append only" logs. The update and delete stuff is more
fitting for a ToDo or Blogging web app. Both of which I'm pretty sure
already have very nice tutorials written up for them, well there is one for
blogging, I think the ToDo just exists as a demo on the Ur/Web site.

I've not used Meteor, Mongo, or Node really in any appreciable form, tried
to avoid them as much as possible. No types! RUN! ;)

I'll add the Chatroom tutorial to the queue and see what pops off. :)



On Sun, 17 May 2015 at 03:28 Stefan Scott Alexander <
stefanscottalexx at gmail.com> wrote:

> Sean -
> The application is running fine now - see my response elsewhere in this
> thread. (I had to create a Postgres superuser with the same name as my
> Linux user.)
> Regarding the chatroom application: It is interesting to notice that it
> provides much of the same "live" behavior as the Meteor NodeJS framework's
> Distributed Data Protocol (DDP), as demonstrated in their tutorial
> involving creating a "To Do" list:
> https://github.com/meteor/simple-todos/
> https://www.meteor.com/try
> There is also a more complicated Meteor example involving multiple ToDo
> lists, which can be created as follows:
> meteor create --example todos
> Unfortunately the Meteor framework only works with MongoDB - a NoSQL
> database which does not provide ACID transactional guarantees.
> One difference between Ur/Web's "Chatroom" example and Meteor's "ToDo"
> examples is that items in the ToDo examples can be inserted, updated and
> deleted - whereas in the current Chatroom example, items can only be
> inserted. Otherwise the Ur/Web Chatroom example is the same as the Meteor
> ToDos example (the more complicated one, involving multiple ToDo lists).
> It would be interesting to add update and delete functionality to the
> Chatroom example. This would generalize it, from allowing only insert
> operations, to allowing insert / update / delete operations (ie, it would
> be a CRUD app which also pushes changes "live" to each user, just like
> Meteor's ToDo examples).
> It is interesting to note that many people consider Meteor to be the best
> NodeJS framework - probably precisely because of this Distributed Data
> Protocol (DDP) pushing changes "live" to all connected users. On the other
> hand, many people avoid Meteor because it is tied to the NoSQL, non-ACID
> database MongDB.
> If a nicely packaged step-by-step online demo tutorial similar to Meteor's
> ToDo examples were created for Ur/Web, it would probably attract a lot of
> attention among people looking for decent web frameworks.
> - Scott
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