[Ur] Length mismatch in INSERT field specification

Yves Cloutier yves.cloutier at gmail.com
Wed Apr 6 19:31:29 EDT 2016


I'm getting an error using a dml statement which I *can't* figure out:

Length mismatch in INSERT field specification (4 vs. 3)

I'm not sure why as the number of fields in my table definition are the
same as the ones in my INSERT satement:

table tblEmployers : {Id: int, Description: string, From: time, To: time}

fun add r = nextid <- nextval uidEmployer;
                    dml(INSERT INTO tblEmployers (Id, Description, From, To)
                            VALUES ({[nextid]}, {[r.Description]},
{[r.From]}, {[r.To]}));

Is there something obvious that I'm not seeing?

Thank you!
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