[Ur] Default settings using a generic record update

Mark Clements mark.clements at ki.se
Mon Oct 28 15:27:46 EDT 2019

I would like to set defaults for a JavaScript library within Ur/Web. I
have the following code that fails on the last line: can anyone suggest
how to make defaultSetting more generic, please?

Kindly, Mark.


fun update
         [keep] [change] [keep ~ change]
         (xs : $(keep ++ change)) (ys : $change)
     : $(keep ++ change) =
     xs --- change ++ ys

fun defaultSetting args =
     update {A=1, B=1} args

fun defaultSetting [a] (args : $a) =
     update {A=1, B=2} args

val _ = defaultSetting {A=2} (* {A=2, B=1} *)
val _ = defaultSetting {B=2} (* {A=1, B=2} *)

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