[Ur] Utility objectifyUr function in JavaScript

Mark Clements mark.clements at ki.se
Mon Oct 28 15:35:09 EDT 2019

Dear all,

I found that the following function is very useful for converting Ur/Web
data structures within JavaScript. This may be useful to others --
although has it been implemented elsewhere?

Kindly, Mark.


var urNewKeyMap = {typ : "type"};

function objectifyUr(urValue, newKeyMap) {
     function convert(ur) {
     // case: null value
     if (ur == null) {
         return null;
     // case: atom
     else if (typeof(ur) != 'object') {
         return ur;
     // case: JavaScript array (not used)
     else if (Array.isArray(ur)) {
         return ur.map(convert);
     // case: Ur/Web list
     else if (Object.keys(ur)[0] == '_1') {
         var acc = [];
         var ll = ur; // ?
         for (; ll !== null; ll=ll._2) {
         return acc;
     // case: Some list
     else if (Object.keys(ur)[0] == 'v') {
             return convert(ur.v);
     // case: Some ??
     else if (Object.keys(ur)[0] == 'n' && Object.keys(ur)[1] == 'v') {
             return convert(ur.v);
     // case: Ur/Web struct
     else {
         return Object.keys(ur).reduce(function(result, key) {
         var newKey = key.substr(1,1).toLowerCase()+key.substr(2);
         var y = convert(ur[key]);
         if (Object.keys(newKeyMap).includes(newKey)) {
             newKey = newKeyMap[newKey];
         if (y != null) {
             result[newKey] = convert(ur[key]);
         return result;
         }, {});
     return convert(urValue, newKeyMap);

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