Abstract and Concrete Type Classes

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(Comparison between an abstract and concrete type class)

Latest revision as of 18:29, 13 December 2010

Type classes can be abstract such that new instances may not be added (giving a closed, fixed predicate of general arity over types) or concrete with the possibility of users adding new types to the family (extending the extension of the predicate).

Here is a sample of an abstract type class.

 * Here is an abstract type class example.  We cannot add more instances.

structure Abstract : sig
    class abs
    val speak : t ::: Type -> abs t -> t -> string
    val abs_int : abs int
    val abs_float : abs float
end = struct
    class abs t = t -> string

    fun speak [t ::: Type] (d : abs t) (x : t) = d x

    fun abs_int (i : int) = "integer noise"
    fun abs_float (f : float) = "float noise"

open Abstract

 * If we try to make a string speak we will get an error.
 * There is no instance for string in the class abs.

(* val s : string = speak "What noise does a string make?" *)

 * We can think of the functions abs_int and abs_float being "evidence" witnessing
 * the fact that the types int and float belong to the class abs ... if we think
 * of abs as being a one-place predicate over types then its extension or characteristic
 * set holds int and float

fun main () = return <xml>
    <title>Concrete and Abstract Type Classes in Ur/Web</title>
    <h1>Concrete and Abstract Type Classes</h1>
      The Ur/Web type class mechanism allows for both concrete and abstract classes.
      An illustracion 
      Some integer noises speak 3 = {[speak 3]} speak 8 = {[speak 8]} 
      Some float noises speak 5.4 = {[speak 5.4]} speak 3.14 = {[speak 3.14]}

Here is a sample of a concrete type class.

 * Extending a concrete type class in Ur/Web

structure Concrete : sig
    class conc
    val speak : t ::: Type -> conc t -> t -> string

    val mkConc : t ::: Type -> (t -> string) -> conc t
    val conc_int : conc int
    val conc_float : conc float
end = struct
    class conc t = t -> string

    fun speak [t ::: Type] (d : conc t) (x : t) = d x
    fun mkConc [t ::: Type] (f : t -> string) = f

    fun conc_int (i : int) = "makes an integer noise"
    fun conc_float (f : float) = "makes a float noise"

 * The presence of mkConc among the items exported by the
 * Concrete module is what makes the conc typeclass concrete.
 * At the Ur/Web module system or typeclass system there is no
 * distinction between these cases via different constructs.
 * Now users may add their own instances.

open Concrete

(* We add a string case *)

val conc_string : conc string = mkConc (fn (s : string) => "makes a string noise")

fun main () = return <xml>
    <title>Concrete and Abstract Type Classes in Ur/Web</title>
    <h1>Concrete and Abstract Type Classes</h1>
      The Ur/Web type class mechanism allows for both concrete and abstract classes.
      An illustracion 
      Some integer noises speak 3 = {[speak 3]} speak 8 = {[speak 8]} 
      Some float noises speak 5.4 = {[speak 5.4]} speak 3.14 = {[speak 3.14]}
      Some string noises speak "aaa" = {[speak "aaa"]} speak "foo" = {[speak "foo"]}
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