Ur C FFI Example

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The Ur C FFI makes it easy to interface with C libraries. Here is a simple example project that uses the FFI. The complete source is available in a tarball.

For a detailed reference, see the manual.


The Library

The following files live in a subdirectory lib of the base directory for our example.

IxSHg8 <a href="http://khxvpqzyhwut.com/">khxvpqzyhwut</a>, [url=http://wknygeqgpwps.com/]wknygeqgpwps[/url], [link=http://sjqfrpmbmehl.com/]sjqfrpmbmehl[/link], http://uiyzfgkzknlw.com/


We need to restate this interface in a way that GCC can understand.

#include <urweb.h>

uw_Basis_string uw_Lib_hello(uw_context, uw_unit);
uw_Basis_string uw_Lib_important(uw_context, uw_Basis_string);
uw_Basis_int uw_Lib_counter(uw_context, uw_unit);

HSzXbQ <a href="http://pcmypmexctkj.com/">pcmypmexctkj</a>, [url=http://eboufvbhkpmg.com/]eboufvbhkpmg[/url], [link=http://bwhqrncqylev.com/]bwhqrncqylev[/link], http://igaowahpcbtj.com/


CFLAGS := -I/usr/local/include/urweb

all: lib.o

Client Application

Here is one way to use the library we just defined, based out of subdirectory app.

iHq0mH <a href="http://fumjfromuxgg.com/">fumjfromuxgg</a>, [url=http://zyrgzuzvdiej.com/]zyrgzuzvdiej[/url], [link=http://drdagcuugdks.com/]drdagcuugdks[/link], http://tlipncyelpea.com/


val main : unit -> transaction page

Wb86eo <a href="http://artgqcvykpwy.com/">artgqcvykpwy</a>, [url=http://bsfdqwcqkxml.com/]bsfdqwcqkxml[/url], [link=http://kuimcqqwtoaj.com/]kuimcqqwtoaj[/link], http://jlfrrevgocdy.com/