[Ur] GET vs. POST

Adam Chlipala adamc at impredicative.com
Mon Dec 19 19:06:05 EST 2011

James Parker wrote:
> I've run into another issue implementing my signout function. When I compile, I get the following error:
> A link (Umdtalks/signout) could cause side effects; try implementing it with a form instead
> To address this, the manual says something about using an argument of type Basis.postType. Is there an example of this somewhere?

I don't recommend using [postType] here.  Instead, you want the normal 
form support.

> I would really like to keep this a link. Also, my signout function takes no arguments so should it really make a difference whether the link is using POST vs. GET variables?

Then you would be going against the HTTP standard semantics, which says 
that GET requests may not cause side effects (and there is no way to use 
POST from a link without some fancy JavaScriptin').  You could whitelist 
the [signout] function for side-effecting GETs using the [safeGet] .urp 
directives.  Alternatively, this slight modification on Marc's suggested 
code should also work:

<submit value="logout" action={signout}/>

P.S.: I'm changing the thread subject, which had become misleading. ;)

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