[Ur] New website?

Sergey Mironov grrwlf at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 16:33:12 EDT 2015

Hi. I'd like to post the quick answer to the particular topic,
regarding GitHub repository design:

> All of that might make sense to do simultaneously with a switch to GitHub,
> or maybe the GitHub switch deserves to come earlier.  One task that makes
> sense to tackle concurrently with a GitHub switch is a redesign of the
> Ur/Web extended standard library, which currently is split across several
> Mercurial repositories.  Any thoughts on whether it would be better to have
> one Git repository for all of the extended standard-library content listed
> as "Officially Blessed" here?

Please, consider using Git submodules. It is the mechanism allowing us
to wrap one git repository with another. Here is the quick googling
result https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSubmoduleTutorial.

If you think that it will be easier to support parts of Ur/Web stdlib
in form of separate repositories, you may also think about creating
the master repository (lets name it urweb-basis). Urweb-basis may have
urweb-meta, urweb-gui etc  submodules, which means that it will be
linked to a 'stable' revisions of those projects.

I use this feature on a regular basis and  IMHO it is well-designed
way to nest repositories.

There is another concurrent technology called 'Repo'. IFAIK it was
created by Google to deal with tons of Android repositories at the
time when submodules were young and buggy.


PS Does Mercurial have an answer to nested repositories problem? ;)

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