[Ur] New website?

Sergey Mironov grrwlf at gmail.com
Thu Aug 6 16:38:44 EDT 2015

Sorry, there are lots of mistakes in my last letter((

2015-08-06 23:33 GMT+03:00 Sergey Mironov <grrwlf at gmail.com>:
> Hi. I'd like to post the quick answer to the particular topic,
> regarding GitHub repository design:
>> All of that might make sense to do simultaneously with a switch to GitHub,
>> or maybe the GitHub switch deserves to come earlier.  One task that makes
>> sense to tackle concurrently with a GitHub switch is a redesign of the
>> Ur/Web extended standard library, which currently is split across several
>> Mercurial repositories.  Any thoughts on whether it would be better to have
>> one Git repository for all of the extended standard-library content listed
>> as "Officially Blessed" here?
> Please, consider using Git submodules. It is the mechanism allowing us
> to wrap one git repository with another. Here is the quick googling
> result https://git.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/GitSubmoduleTutorial.
> If you think that it will be easier to support parts of Ur/Web stdlib
> in form of separate repositories, you may also think about creating
> the master repository (lets name it urweb-basis). Urweb-basis may have
> urweb-meta, urweb-gui etc  submodules, which means that it will be
> linked to a 'stable' revisions of those projects.
> I use this feature on a regular basis and  IMHO it is well-designed
> way to nest repositories.
> There is another concurrent technology called 'Repo'. IFAIK it was
> created by Google to deal with tons of Android repositories at the
> time when submodules were young and buggy.
> Regards,
> Sergey
> PS Does Mercurial have an answer to nested repositories problem? ;)

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