[Ur] UPO framework - Ui.Make functor

emil brusic emil.brusic at gmail.com
Wed Dec 23 06:35:54 EST 2015

Greetings to all community!

I have just started to learn about Ur/Web and UPO framework with Bootstrap.
In upo/ui.ur, functor Make, there is function tabbed which is use for
boostrap navbar:
fun tabbed [ts] (fl : folder ts) titl (ts : $(map (fn a => option string *
t a) ts)) = ...
This is how I use it:

fun main () =
    about <- aboutUs(lng);
    usr <- User.userIdNam();
    login <- User.blurb();
     Theme.tabbed titl
     ((Some (case lng of
                 HR => "O nama"
               | EN => "About us")
            , Ui.const about)
     ,(case usr of
           None =>
              Some (case lng of
                     HR => "Prijava"
                   | EN => "Login")
         | Some u =>
           case lng of
               HR => Some ("Korisnik: " ^ u.Nam)
             | EN => Some ("User: " ^ u.Nam)
           , Ui.const login)
(* this navbar-right is not showing in browser: *)
    , Ui.const (<xml>
                 <ul class="bs3-nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                   <li><a link={lg()}><span class="glyphicon
glyphicon-user"></span> Sign Up</a></li>
                   <li><a link={lg()}><span class="glyphicon
glyphicon-log-in"></span> Login</a></li>
Everything pass type checking and compiling, but navbar-right menu entries
with glyphicons are not shown.
So I wrote new test function without using UPO framework:
fun test () = ...
<div id={nid} class="collapse navbar-collapse">
                  <ul class="bs3-nav navbar-nav navbar-right">
                    <li><a href={log}><span class="glyphicon
glyphicon-user"></span> Sign Up</a></li>
                    <li><a href={log}><span class="glyphicon
glyphicon-log-in"></span> Login</a></li>
In this case navbar-right is shown.
Probably I missed something with code:
,(None, Ui.const (<xml> ... </xml>))
Also I have noticed that vertical collapse menu for mobile devices is not
shown even in UPO site - http://upo.csail.mit.edu/

I will be grateful if anyone help me to find out what is wrong with my
code, or how to use tabbed function for

Best regards,
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