[Ur] camel case for database table names

Kevin Johnson jkevinm.66 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 17 14:23:33 EST 2015

When I try to execute the examples from Gian Perrone's web tutorial, I get
the following error:

Fatal initialization error: Table 'uw_urblog_comment' does not exist.

I am running mysql 5.5 on a ubuntu system.

The urblog.sql defined the table as 'uw_Urblog_comment'.

I have tried modifying the sql file to use 'uw_urblog_comment', but then
the urblog.exe complains that 'uw_Urblog_comment' doesn't exist.

I have to have both table names in the database.  Is there perhaps an
ignore table name case flag I am missing somewhere that everyone uses?

Thank you,

Kevin Johnson
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