[Ur] Installing Ur/Web on Mac OSX (using homebrew)

Todd Roth toddjroth at gmail.com
Sat Oct 31 19:13:39 EDT 2015

My experience installing/running ur/web on OS X is as follows:

No issues installing with Homebrew and the commands you posted.  It worked
with and without the postgresql flag (I didn't try the mysql flag)

After creating a simple "hello world" app called "sample" (without a
database) I was able to compile without errors using:
     urweb simple

However, when running ./sample.exe I got the following error:

    *Database connection initialized.*
*    Failed to initialize database!  Error reopening database connection*

This seemed odd since I have a working postgresql server and I wasn't using
a database for this simple app.  So I created a database called "sample"
and recompiled with the db and dbms flags:

    urweb -db "host=localhost user=dev password=pwd dbname=sample" -dbms
postgres sample

The above compiled without errors and I was able to start the server by
running ./sample.exe.  I should also note that I did not have to include
the database name in the sample.urp file.

In summary, it appears that you need to compile with the -db and -dbms
flags even if you are not using a database.


On Sun, Oct 11, 2015 at 2:56 PM, Eran Meir <eranmeir at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi all,
> To install Ur/Web (stable 20150819) on your mac using Homebrew
> <http://brew.sh/>, type the following commands in a console window:
>    1. brew tap eranmeir/ur
>    2. brew install urweb
> You can add --with-mysql or --with-postgresql to the installation command
> to get a DBMS installed (as optional dependency).
> Please reply on this thread whether or not you were able to install
> successfully. If this seems to work well, it can be added to the
> installation instructions in the website.
> Best regards,
> Eran.
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